The cows at Marda Angus Farms are essential to carrying on our longstanding goal of producing functional Angus cattle that appeal to both purebred producers and commercial cattlemen throughout the country. Marda Angus Farms was founded with an Angus female purchased by Dave Quam in 1940 for his 4-H project, and since then the cows of Marda Angus Farms have been an important aspect of our breeding program. We currently have 250 purebred Angus cows at Marda Angus Farms and we are proud to say that many of the cow families on the farm today trace back to the original females of our herd. This consistent breeding program has allowed us to raise Angus cattle that can stand the test of time and continue to bring success to both commercial cattlemen and purebred cattle producers.

Marda Blackbird 718
Registration Number: 18805773 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: December 23, 2016
Sire: Basin Payweight 107S
Dam: MF Blackbird 51

Marda Asti 732
Registration Number: 18805782 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: January 28,2017
Sire: Baldridge Willie Y34
Dam: MF Asti 016

MF Blackbird 51
Registration Number: 17229187 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: August 15, 2011
Sire: Connealy Right Answer 746
Dam: MF Blackbird 82

MF Asti 016
Registration Number: 16685228 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: February 5, 2010
Sire: TC Total 410
Dam: MF Asti 596

TC Blackbird Ursa 6087
Registration Number: 15417947 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: February 8, 2006
Sire: TC Freedom 104
Dam: TC Blackbird Ursa 0181

O A Henrietta Pride 217
Registration Number: 17199382 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: January 27, 2012
Sire: S A V Mustang 9134
Dam: Sitz Henrietta Pride 17U

Marda Pride 504
Registration Number: 18051786 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: December 9, 2014
Sire: Basin Payweight 107S
Dam: MF Pride 40

Bartels Exec Elmay 4038 1008
Registration Number: 17813467 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: February 24, 2014
Sire: K C F Bennett Consent Y75
Dam: Bartels Exec Elmay 6537 1008

C C A Countess 088
Registration Number: 16644989 (View pedigree and EPDs)
Date of Birth: January 31, 2010
owned with: Lone Oak Angus
Sire: Sitz Upward 307R
Dam: Mytty Countess 906